Homotherium (saber-tooth cat) - valentina DO NOT TAKE REASEARCH

         Live sabre-toothed cat                                                                       Fossil of sabre-toothed cat
Image result for picture of the homotherium sabre toothed cat fossilImage result for picture of the homotherium sabre toothed cat fossilHow old is Homotherium?: The Homotherium saber tooth cat is about 2.5 million years old (or 10,000 years ago). When was Homotherium "unearthed"?: The first saber-toothed cat like Homotherium was "unearthed" meaning first discovered 2012. 3 Physical characteristics: Some physical characteristics I found for this animal is the body weight for the saber-toothed is between 160-280 kg or 353-617 lbs. Another physical characteristic is the saber-toothed cat measured from it's bottom to snout is said to be about 175 cm or 68.9 in. The last physical characteristic I could find is about it's teeth, it's teeth are like blades but really they are just ridiculously long canine teeth that grew an average 28 cm or 11 in. There is no known research on personality traits on Homotherium. Fun Fact: A nickname for the saber-toothed cat is



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