River and Streams by Yuridia and Briana

River and Stream Ecosystem

in this ecosystem we are going to talk about river and stem ecosystem.it will talk about all sorts of plants and animals

Image result for river and stream ecosystem animalsAnimals:
Some of the animals that live in the river or streams are turtles, ducks, otters, crocodiles, catfish, dragon fly and crabs can be found in rivers all around the world, and the Amazon river is even home to the rare and pink, freshwater dolphin. and for your information we are talking about all rivers and streams  

Rivers change their course as they travel and carve a path through the land. The temperatures range from 65 °F to 75 °F in the summer and 35 °F to 45 °F in the winter.

Image result for river and stream ecosystem climate

Image result for river and stream ecosystem plantsplants:
Rivers and streams are fresh water and hold up to 3 percent of the Earth's fresh water. Freshwater plants include algae, bulrushes and cattails, and freshwater animals include crayfish, fish and eels.

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RiversStreams: A river or stream is a body of water that flows only in one direction. Unlike ponds and lakes rivers and streams are constantly in motion. The temperature is cooler at the source than at the mouth. 

river and stream food web

Resultado de imagen para animal river and stream food web
in the picture the insects eat leafs and algae. And then the bats and birds eat the fish and insects that helps the ecosystem out 

Quantity of light:

Light provides energy for photosynthesis, which produces the primary food source for the river. 
quantity of water:

 It is often determined by inputs from the surrounding environment or catchment area but can also be influenced by rain and the addition of pollution from human sources.
range of temperature:

 Water temperature in rivers varies with the environment. Water can be heated or cooled through radiation  the surface and conduction to or from the air and surrounding substrate.
composition of soil:

 It may be inorganic, consisting of geological material from the catchment area such as boulders, pebbles, gravel, sand or silt, or it may be organic, including fine particles, leaves, wood, moss and plants. Substrate is generally not permanent and is subject to large changes during flooding events.
types of animals in the river      

When it comes to mating, male sea otters are aggressive. The males will grasp the female, then bite down onto her nose and hold on, usually resulting in deep cuts and gouges, sometimes with pieces of flesh torn away. The two spin in the water until mating is finished and the male releases the female.
Image result for male and female otters
asexual plant

algae: Many small algae reproduce asexually by ordinary cell division or by fragmentation, whereas larger algae reproduce by spores.
Image result for algae reproduction
dragonflies:Female dragonflies lay eggs in or near water, often on plants. When laying eggs, some species go under the water to lay their eggs on a good surface. The eggs then hatch into nymphs.
Image result for dragonflies reproduction

aphids: Some aphids reproduce sexually, some reproduce asexually and some use both methods of reproduction depending on their environment. With asexual reproduction, females can either give birth to live clones or lay eggs, all without a male aphid. ... When the weather heats up, some of the eggs hatch into males.
Image result for aphid reproduction

External Fertilization

External fertilization usually occurs in aquatic environments where both eggs and sperm are released into the water. After the sperm reaches the egg, fertilization takes place. Most external fertilization happens during the process of spawning where one or several females release their eggs and the males release sperm in the same area, at the same time. The release of the reproductive material may be triggered by water temperature or the length of daylight. Nearly all fish spawn, Such as crabs and shrimp, mollusks , oysters, squid, and echinoderms such as sea urchins and sea cucumbers. Figure A shows salmon spawning in a shallow stream. Frogs, like those shown on B , corals, mayflies, and mosquitoes also spawn to.

Photo A shows many salmon swimming up a shallow creek. Photo B shows mating toads.Internal fertilization occurs most often in land based animals, although some aquatic animals also use this method.  fertilized eggs are laid outside the female’s body and develop there, receiving nourishment from the yolk that is a part of the egg. This occurs in most bony fish, many reptiles, some cartilaginous fish, most amphibians, two mammals, and all birds. Reptiles and insects produce leathery eggs, while birds and turtles produce eggs with high concentrations of calcium carbonate in the shell. Chicken eggs are an example of this second type.

adaptation animals

amazon river dolphin:the amazon river dolphin have adapted to their surroundings with larger snouts with bristle hairs on the end, specially adapted for river-bottom feeding. Unlike their saltwater relatives, Amazon River Dolphins have a flexible neck and can move their head left and right due unfused cervical vertebrae.Image result for amazon river dolphin

catfish:catfish have whiskers with taste buds. a catfish uses this to find his food in the dark or when he or she cant see properly
Image result for catfish

piranha: the adaptation that piranhas are most well known for are their extremely sharp teeth. These triangular shaped teeth can tear through all types of plants and animals. these fish might have predators ,but, aren't as scary as this fish right here.Image result for piranha

adaptations plants 

waterlilies:the top side of the waterlilies is covered with a cuticle to keep it as dry as possible, also the underside has thorns to protect against predatorsImage result for waterlilies

algae:some algae have hold fasts that attach to the sea floor and anchor them down much like roots of a plant. Many algae, Such as Sargassum, have gas filled structures called floats.

Image result for algae

cattails: cattails have a narrow, sharp like leaves that reduce their resistance o the moving water. they also transport oxygen down to the roots.
Image result for cattail plant

Galapagos land Iguana
Image result for galapagos land iguana normal and scientific name

scientific and original name: Conolophus subcristatus and Galapagos land iguana

Galapagos land iguana adaptations:  A Galapagos land iguanas adaptation is the short, blunt nose well-adapted to feeding on algae growing on rocks. the flattering tail is perfect for swimming, propelling the iguana through the water while its legs hang useless at its sides.
Iguanas rid themselves of excess salt, consumed along with the algae, by a special gland connected to their nostrils.

General characteristics: The Galapagos land iguana resembles the mythical creatures of the past-dragons with long tails, clawed feet and spiny crests. Land Iguanas have a spiky dorsal crest which runs along the neck and back. They are heavily bodied with thick back legs and smaller front legs

Extinct animals: past and present
Image result for why did the dunkleosteus go extinct

Original and scientific name of the animal: Dunkleosteus and arthropod fish 
Era and Period:  lived in the late Devonian  period  about 380–360 million years ago.
where the animal lived:  distribution: North America, Europe, and Morocco
general characteristics: It was streamlined and shark-like. Dunkleosteus lacked true teeth, instead it had two long bony blades that could snap and crush almost anything. Pigment cells suggest Dunkleosteus had dark colors on its back and was silvery on its belly. This fish was anything but picky with its food.
why is the animal extinct: The Devonian extinction saw the oceans choke to death. It was the age of fish. Throughout the oceans species began dying out, and by the time it was all over between 79% and 87% of all species had gone extinct, including Dunkleosteus. It was one of the worst mass extinctions in Earth's history

Original and scientific name of the animal:  iguanadon and genus iguanadonImage result for era and period of iguanodon
Era and period: Iguanodonlarge herbivorous dinosaurs found as fossils from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods in a wide area of Europe, North Africa, North America, Australia, and Asia; a few have been found from Late Cretaceous deposits of Europe and southern
 Country/continent where it live: Europe(including England,Belgium and the Isle of white) 

General characteristics: A massive herbivore with a horny beak and cheek teeth for grinning vegetation. its hands had distinctive hoofed fingers and spiked thumbs
why is the animal extinct:  since the discovery of the bernissart iguanadons in 1878,their death has been the subject of much speculation. The Rights version of events was that they died of natural causes in the marsh,and then the bodies were slowly decomposed until a sinkhole formed,and the remains sank below the surface

Original and scientific name of the animal: Western black rhinoceros/west African black and deicers bicornis longipes
era and period 
Cenozoic era/ the western black rhino emerged about 7 to 8 million years ago. it was a sub-species of the black rhino. for much of the 1900s, its population was the highest out of all the rhino species at almost 850,000 individuals.

country/ continent where it lived:
 black rhino occur throughout southern and eastern Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, south Africa and Zimbabwe
general characteristics
The western black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis longipes) or West African black rhinoceros was a subspecies of the black rhinoceros, declared extinct by the IUCN in 2011.[1][2] The western black rhinoceros was believed to have been genetically different from other rhino subspecies.[3] It was once widespread in the savanna of sub-Saharan Africa, but its numbers declined due to poaching. The western black rhinoceros resided primarily in Cameroon, but surveys since 2006 have failed to locate any individuals.
why the animal is dead
the main reason the west African black rhino is extinct is because of the poachers, or illegal hunters. poachers killed them slolely for their horns, both for use in chinese medicine and for use as decoration in the middle east. even rhinos living in national parks were not safe.

Image result for plesiosaurFOSSILS


How old it is:
plesiosaur is 215 million to 800 million years old.
When it was unearthed :
Plesiosaur was unearthed during preliminary excavation for the dallas fort worth international air port
where was it excavated
Image result for plesiosaurthe plesiosuar skeloten was discovered by everhart in the lower hills chalk of Kansas
what information gives the fossil
the information that the plesiosaur fossilas give is the way the plesiosaur swam, what they ate , and a few other stuff.


How old it is:
163.5 million to 145 million years ago.
When it was unearthed:
The Titanosaur was unearthed in 1877
Where it was excavated:
was excavated in Argentina.


Image result for titanosaur


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