Tundra Biome Internal and External animal Fertilization By Isaiah Trujillo

Image result for bony fish with internal fertilization
Image result for bony fish with internal fertilization For species with internal fertilization, there is great variation in the development stage at which offspring are released. fertilized eggs, larvae, juvenile fish, or even sexually mature adults. Oviparous bony fishes release eggs, and the developing embryo is nourished by a yolk sac.

Like all reptiles, saltwater crocodiles reproduce via internal fertilization, and females carefully look over their nests after laying a clutch of approximately 50 eggs. Cooler nests produce mostly females, while warmer nests produce mostly males.Image result for crocodile internal fertilization

                                             External Animals.

Image result for coral external fertilizationThe majority of corals are considered hermaphroditic broadcast spawners, a type of external fertilization. Broadcast spawners, sometimes referred to as mass spawners or synchronous spawners, release both sperm and eggs into the water at the same time figure 5-1. Some corals release buoyant egg and sperm bundles.                                                                    

Other poison frogs lay their eggs on the forest floor, hidden beneath the leaf litter. Poison frogs fertilize their eggs externally, the female lays a cluster of eggs and a male fertilizes them afterward, in the same manner as most fish.

             Animal Adaptation              
Artic Fox

an artic fur changes colors with the seasons of the year. The Arctic Fox has many unique adaptations. For example its white thick fur and fluffy tail help it survive in it's harsh habitat. Another special adaptation the Arctic Fox has is their small pointy ears that help them hear prey moving underground.


Reindeer even have fur on the bottom of their hooves which helps them from slipping on the ground. Their big broad hooves also work well as paddles when the animal swims across rivers or lakes.

                                                 Snowy Owl

Physical adaptations include white plumage for camouflage fully feathered feet serrated wing feathers sharp talons and beaks all enable it to survive temperatures that can fall far below zero and long winter nights.

Plants Adaptation

Reindeer Moss like other lichens, does not have any roots. It has the ability to absorb moisture and nutrients from the air through cells on its surface.However this adaptation makes reindeer moss very susceptible to pollutants in the environment.
                                                                                  Reindeer lichen

Features. The plant has adapted to be able to achieve photosynthesis in the harsh climate. In the warmer areas of the tundra, it grows straight up and in the colder areas it grows almost carpet like closer to the ground.
                                                   Labrador Tea
Image result for labrador tea

                                    Salix Artica

Image result for salix arctica adaptations
Salix arctica has made many adaptations to the cold climate of the North American tundra. In its strongest growth season the Salix arctica forms a pesticide to keep insects like the Arctic woolly bear away. It has also adapted to the permafrost by growing a shallow root system.

                         Earths Mass Extinction 
Paleozoic Animal Name-Placoderm

Era and period.
Placoderms existed throughout the Devonian Period (about 416 million to 359 million years ago) but only two species persisted into the succeeding Carboniferous Period.

Where its from?

The placoderm was first located in the middle of china in the deep grounds of the ocean ground and then they started moving throughout the whole earth and world.

General Characteristic.

Most placoderms were small or moderate in size, but a few may have reached a length of 13 feet (4 meters). The name is derived from their characteristic Armour of dermal, or skin, bones.

Why did it get extincted?

It was thought for a time that placoderms became extinct due to competition from the first bony fish and early sharks, given a combination of the supposed inherent superiority of bony fish and the presumed sluggishness of placoderms.
 Picture of Animal.

Mesozoic Era

Name of animal-Spinosaurus 

Era and Period.
Spinosaurus lived during the late Cretaceous PeriodSpinosaurus was the biggest of all the carnivorous dinosaurs larger than Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus.

Where is it from?
Spinosaurus. The  Spinosaurus the meaning is spine lizard) is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what now is North Africa during the upper Albian to upper Turonian stages of the Cretaceous period, about 112 to 93.5 million years ago.

General Characteristic.
A long, narrow snout, similar to other Spinosaurids and, like them, filled with conical teeth.
One enlarged, hook like claw on each of its front limbs, perhaps for catching fish.

Why did It Get Extinct.

The extinction of Spinosaurus would have been a different set of events than what killed the rest of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. As its environment dried up during a change in climate.

Photos of The Spinosaurus.


Cenozoic Era 

Name of animal.

Irish Elk                      

Era and Period 
Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus) also called Irish deer or giant deer. extinct species of deer, characterized by immense body size and wide antlers, commonly found as fossils in Pleistocene deposits in Europe and Asia the Pleistocene Epoch began 2.6 million years ago and ended about 11,700 years ago.


Where was it from?
The Irish Elk was orginally from Ireland but traveled to China and siberia.

General Characteristic.
They stood about 7 ft. tall at the shoulder, and their antlers were 12 ft across. To carry such heavy antlers, it is likely they were incredibly muscular particularly in their necks, chests, and backs.

Why Did It Get Extinct?
The Irish elk finally went extinct when the antlers became so large that the animals could no longer hold up their heads or got entangled in the trees. A more modern interpretation of the function of the antlers in the giant deer suggest that they were used for sexual displays as they are in living deer.

Photos of The Irish Elk



                              Taiji Dolphin Hunt
Image result for taiji dolphin hunt in which country did it happen?     


japan started its controversial annual dolphin hunt in the coastal town of Taiji. The hunt sees the animals driven into a cove where most are slaughtered for their meat with knives in shallow waters.The animal that got hunt is the Taiji Dolphin.In 2008, 1,484 dolphins and whales were caught, while fisherman planned to catch around 2,400 in 2009. Some of the dolphins are sold to aquatic parks, instead of slaughtered, and Ted Hammond is one of the main brokers for Taiji. A hunt took place in the Futo area of Itō, Shizuoka in 2004.

Why were the Taiji Dolphins Killed?

The Prefectural Government, through publicly issued statements, emphasize that whale and dolphin hunting are a traditional form of livelihood in Japan, and that, like other animals, whales and dolphins are killed to supply the demand for meat.

Is it the same to kill an animal just like to kill a human?

No its not the same to kill an animal as a human because a human is a human you just cant kill a human because humans have family's that care about them like for example, Animals like they still have families but humans, they like have feelings for their families.

   Is our way of living harder then other people?

I think our way of living is harder and easier at the same time because other people they have harder life's because other people don't have a lot of money like people are homeless and don't have food. People have easier life's then us because they have a lot of money then us they have expensive houses, Cars and more expensive 



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