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The tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome found near Earth's equator. The world's largest tropical rainforests are in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Tropical rainforests receive from 60 to 160 inches of precipitation that is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.

tropical rain forest animals
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These amphibians are known as dart frogs because indigenous people use the frog’s poison for blow darts and arrow poison.  All wild dart frogs secrete toxins through their skin.  However, captive-hatched frogs and wild ones that have been in captivity for an extended time are not toxic. 

Toucans are renown for their large colorful bills. At 8 inches (20 cm) they have the longest bill of any bird in the world in relation to their body size 25 in (63.5 cm). Despite its size, the toucan's bill is very light as it is made of keratin (like human hair) in a honeycomb-like structure.

Gorillas have hands and feet like humans including opposable thumbs and big toes
  • Some gorillas in captivity have learned to use sign language to communicate with humans.

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Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees to prepare an ambush, killing their prey with one powerful bite. Most jaguars are tan or orange with distinctive black spots, dubbed "rosettes" because they are shaped like roses.


Image result for epiphyte Epiphytis (air plant) Plant that grows on another plant,but is not a parasite.

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Althogh there are two types of flowers in the bromeliad family,each contain,several parts including three petals.

                  Tropical rainforest FOOD WEB

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The toucan eats strangler fig tree ,and the brazillian nut tree.

the gold lion tamarin eats strangler fig tree and ants.

The aguoti eats the Brazilian nut tree.

The orchid eats the kapok tree.

The caiman eats toucans.

The jaguars eats caimans and the red-eyed tree frog and the toucans.

The tiger eats the orangutans .

The beetle eats orchids 

The red eye frog eats ants and gold lion tamarind


although tropical Rain forest receive 12 hours of sunlight daily, less than 2% of that sunlight ever reaches the ground.


a tropical rain forest gets about 150cm of rain per year. it gets a lot of rain because it is very hot and wet in rain forest.


the average temperature in tropical rain forest ranges from 70 to 85°F.


soils throughout the tropical rain forest fall into two classifications which include the ultisols and oxisols .

          REPRODUCTION OF THE RED EYE TREE FROG                                                                                                                                                                                      Red-eyed treefrogs are nocturnal and rest during the day. ... Male red-eyed treefrogs inflate their vocal sacs and rise on all fours in an attempt to attract females and deter other males from entering their territory. During this process, at least two males face each other and quiver, their bodies violently shaking.

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                                   REPRODUCTION OFTHE OURANGUTANG                                                                                                                                                                                The male orangutan's long call seems to play an important role in repelling male rivals and advertising availability to sexually receptive femalesAdult male orangutans are intolerant of each other, and the encounter between two flanged adult males usually results in either aggression or avoidance.

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                       ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION  


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Hydra reproduce asexually by producing buds in the body wall, which grow to be miniature adults and break away when they are mature. When a hydra is well fed, a new bud can form every two days.


Image result for Wasp ASEXUAL REPRODUCTIONIn asexual populations, females only produce daughters without fertilization. Vorburger and Sand-rock aimed to identify the genetic factors which determine whether a wasp will reproduce sexually or asexually.


Image result for SalamanderThis unique line of mole salamanders what you call “uni sexual,” meaning they have only one sex, female. They have the advantage that every individual in the species is able to bear offspring.. Most uni-sexual species reproduce through asexual reproduction

Animal adaptions   Toucan

Image result for toucan reaching for fruit\

The toucan has developed a very large beak which allows it to reach fruit on lighter branches. adjusting the flow of blood to their beak. They tuck their beak under their wings when they sleep to keep warm. They have adapted to live in the canopy as they don't fly very well.

RED eye tree frog

Image result for RED eyed tree frogAdaptations. A red-eyed tree frog's most notable adaptation is its beautiful coloration. These frogs are nocturnal and will spend most of their days camouflaged on the underside of a leaf. While sleeping, the frog will hide its bright colors by closing its eyes and tucking its feet beneath its body.


Image result for beetle.  To be able to get to it, they must be able to dig and burrow their way through rotting trees and branches. These beetles have adapted to have spines on their legs, which they can use to help them dig into these materials. 

kapok tree

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Behavioral Adaptation: White and pink flowers make an odor that attracts bats, which, when moving from flower to flower, facilitate the pollen. The kapok towers over the other trees.

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brazillian nut tree                The seeds of a Brazil nut tree can survive long falls without damage due to the reinforced triple layer pod encasing them.

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Strangular fig tree

In the rain forest it has a difficult floor for seedlings to grow because there is a lot competition for water and nutrients. Strangler figs have made the adaptation to avoid these difficulties. They climb up trees to get the sunlight.

Animal Adaptations In Galapagos Islands

     Marine iguana -Amblyrhynch cristatus and marine iguana

Adaptations-Their short, blunt snouts and small, razor-sharp teeth help them scrape the algae off rocks, and their laterally flattened tails let them move crocodile-like through the water. Their claws are long and sharp for clinging to rocks on shore or underwater in heavy currents.

General characteristics-They are black or grey in color but during the breeding season adult males develop red and green coloration and young Marine Iguanas have a lighter colored dorsal stripe. They have triangular shaped dorsal scales and a long tail that they use to propel them through the water while swimming.

Image result for marine iguana"


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Its the Era is Paleozoic and from 299 million to 200 million years ago. Several characteristics in therapists have been noted as being consistent with the development of Endothermic: the presence of Turbinates, erect limbs, highly vascularized bones, limb and tail proportions conducive to the preservation of body heat, and the absence of growth rings in bones.The last of the non-mammalian therapsid,the  Tritylodontid  cynodonts, became extinct in the early Cretaceous, approximately 100 million years ago. Primitive therapsids are present as fossils in certain Middle Permian deposits; later forms are known from every continent except Australia but are commonest in the Late Permian and Early Triassic of South Africa.




Image result for where did the  titanosaurus  live"The Titanosaurs lived in the Mesozioc Era it lived in the cretaceous and inhabited in India. Its fossils have been found in places such as Romania, Argentina and Aude (France). The Titanosaurus was a genus of sauropod that reached sizes of up to 40 feet long. Titanosaurus had heads, even when compared to other sauropods. the head. was also wide, similar to the heads of Camarasaurus and Brachiosaurus but more elongated. Their nostrils were large ('macron aria]]n') and they all had crests formed by these nasal bones.The Permian-Triassic extinction event, known as the Great Dying, occurred 251.4 million years ago and eradicated 96 percent of all marine species and 70 percent of all terrestrial vertebrates species on earth. For many years, climate change was the most credible explanation for the dinosaurs' demise.


Image result for when did mammuthus primigenius go extinct in what yearThe mammunthus primigenuis era is cenoic era.Humans hunted mammoths for their meat, bones and skin. Some scientists believe that a poor habitat as a result of climate change, combined with increased contact and hunting by humans as they increasingly entered their areas of habitat led to their eventual extinction.The woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, is an extinct herbivore related to elephants who trudged across the steppe-tundras of Eurasia and North America from around 300,000 years ago until their numbers seriously dropped from around 11,000 years ago.



The earliest Megalodon fossils date to 20 million years ago. For the next 13 million years the enormous shark dominated the oceans until becoming extinct just 3.6 million years ago.

when was the megalodon unearthed?

Oct 22, 2015 - A modern-day great white shark is dwarfed by the newly uncovered ... Earth's largest shark, the Megalodon, could reach 18 meters (60 feet).

Where it was excavated?

It was excavated at Mexico Yucatan.

Picture of the fossil

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Picture of the real animal

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What information gives the fossil 

Megalodon probably had a major impact on the structure of marine communities. The fossil record indicates that it had a cosmopolitan distribution. It probably targeted large prey, such as whales, seals, and sea turtles. Juveniles inhabited warm coastal waters and fed on fish and small whales.

Tyrannosaurus t rex 

67 million to 65 million years

when was it unearthed?

Paleontologists have unearthed the remains of the largest Tyrannosaurus rex ever found, according to a new study. The gigantic skeleton was first discovered in 1991 near the town of Eastend in Canada.

where it was excavated?

rex is named for Sue Hendrickson, who discovered the dinosaur in 1990 during a commercial excavation trip north of Faith, South Dakota.

Picture of the fossil 

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Picture of the real animal

Image result for t rex

What information gives the fossil?

Fossils of rex prey, including Triceratops and Edmontosaurus, suggest T. rex crushed and broke bones as it ate, and broken bones have been found in its dung. Tyrannosaurus rex lived in forested river valleys in North America during the late Cretaceous period.


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